2023 Ringgold Youth Wrestling Camp

Learn from the Best

Ringgold Youth Wrestling is Proud to announce our first annual summer wrestling camp!


This camp is designed to give wrestlers an edge over their competition next season.

Novice (1-2 year):  In our novice class wrestlers will engage in fun and exciting exercise to build confidence, strength, and core movements.

Advanced (3+ year):  In this fast-paced environment we will cover things from mental preparation to physical training and high level techniques to gain a competetive edge.

Improve Confidence

Gain strength

Improve Technique

Guest Coach, Nino Bonaccorsi
Guest Coach, Nino Bonaccorsi
Nino Handraise

Learn what it takes from one of the greats.

One of our guest coaches, Nino Bonaccorsi,  knows how to win and its not what you may think.  His story is one of triumphs and stuggles. He'll be spending time teaching how to overcome some of those thoughts and pressures that get in the way.


We know that goals are important and we'll cover what types of goals can help build confidence and translate to more wins along the way.

The first 70 wrestlers will receive a free T-shirt!  Games and activities after curriculum to keep things fun!

Build Strength

Being physically stronger than your opponent gives you and edge, being mentally stronger is a game changer.


We're going to balance hard work and fun to make sure we learn as much as we can and enjoy doing it.  Finding balance in a tough sport like this is an important part of the journey.


Setting goals is a part of preparing to win.  Learn to set and achieve goals that lead to a path of success.