
Enter the world of wrestling

Registration closes 11/3


Practice Monday 5:45 - 6:45


All students in Pre-K - 1st Grade should sign up for this program. This room will be tailored to a pace that will allow them to thrive.  (1st year wrestlers in second grade may also consider this room, ask Coach Kevin if unsure. This program is a lower price and commitment level than the experienced programs.  Little Rams will learn to compete in a controlled environment in practice until they are ready to attend a site match.

  • 7 week program
  • 1 practice per week
  • 1 hour each practice
  • No Fundraising Obligation!!

This program comes with a lower investment level and does not include formal awards banquet invitation or paid tournament registration.  Both are paid options available throughout the season.

Practice Wednesday 5:30-6:45


Calling all girls for the Lady Rams Youth Wrestling Program!! You will get all of the info the other groups will get plus additional girls-only opportunities. We are looking forward to having our first ever girls-only practices and meets!  Lady Rams will have the opportunity to compete in the South Hills Wrestling League as well as tournaments.

  • Full Season through League Tournament
  • 1 All-Girls Practice per week
  • 1 hour 15 min practice
  • Option to join in other practices at appropriate skill level
  • All-girls competitions will be available!!

The $200 fundraising obligation will be added at checkout. (fundraising opportunities totaling $200 will be provided to earn money back)

Practice Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:00


This is our core wrestling practice and will be paced for most of our wrestlers. This practice will help wrestlers become a master of the high percentage techniques that carry through varsity and collegiate success.  Competitive Core wrestlers will have the opportunity to compete in the South Hills Wrestling League as well as tournament wrestling.

  • Full Season through League Tournament
  • 2 Practices per week + Additional Friday practice when time allows
  • 1 hour 30 min practice
  • Option to request test into Advanced Tactics Group throughout the season
  • 1 team tournament registration included!  (This will be for 1 tournament coaches decide to attend as a team)

The $200 fundraising obligation will be added at checkout. (fundraising opportunities totaling $200 will be provided to earn money back)

Practice Days and Times TBD

If interested in advanced Tactics, sign up for Competetive Core and request testing when your wrestler is ready.

This fast-paced practice will be offered once we have enough students who test into it. Testing criteria will include

  • ability to drill fundamental moves without instruction
  • mat-room behavior
  • desire to push themselves beyond comfort zone

This advanced program includes everything listed for the Competitive Core Wrestlers PLUS has additional benefits:

  • Extended Season through end of States
  • 2 Practices per week + Additional Friday practice when time allows
  • 1 hour 30 min practice (2 hours when time allows)
  • 1 duals team tournament registration!! (Wrestle offs will be held to determine which wrestlers earn the opportunity to compete at their respective weight classes)

This class is designed to help wrestlers to compete at their highest level.  "Testing in" is required to make sure the increased pace and pressure doesn't leave wrestlers behind.  Advanced Tactics wrestlers will have the opportunity to compete in the South Hills wrestling league as well as team and individual tournaments.

If you ever have questions about getting your wrestler on board please contact Coach Kevin:

The $200 fundraising obligation will be added at checkout. (fundraising opportunities totaling $200 will be provided to earn money back)


Tournaments – Are they Right for my Wrestler?

By ramswrestling | January 2, 2023

You may be hearing a lot about wrestling tournaments and wondering if they are right for your wrestler.  Here we’ve…

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The Importance of Team

By ramswrestling | November 1, 2022

Wrestling is known as an individual sport.  When you are on the mat, there’s no-one else to blame and no-one…

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