Lady Rams

Check out these Highlights from a girls match!

Girls Wrestling

In case you haven't heard... Wrestling isn't just for the boys anymore.  

Girls Wrestling has been taking the world by storm.  

Be a part of something special.

Now that the PIAA has sanctioned girls wrestling, you have a chance to pave the way for generations of girls to follow!

Have questions?  Reach out to coach Kevin:


Are there other girls programs?

Many locals schools already have established girls wrestling programs we will be working with and competing with!

 Our region has a great heritage of wrestling in general, and the rise of girls programs is sure to continue that tradition.

So be sure to join us and see what all of the buzz is about!

Lady Rams Pink Circle Crooked

Is wrestling right for us?

Girls have the ability to compete in almost every sport.  As a male dominated sport, wrestling gave the boys an unfair advantage, until now. With the PIAA sanctioning girls wrestling, girls programs accross the state are flourishing in their first seasons!  

Are there other girls programs to compete with?  You bet!  We have several girls teams close to home and that number is growing week by week!!  Get some friends together and come see what it's all about!